Tag Archives: craft

DIY Boho-chic Cloth Napkins

14 Sep

Today’s tutorial is part of a 2 part series of crafts for a Boho-chic Style Table. We are starting off with Boho-Chic Cloth Napkins because it’s a simple way to add
color and beauty to your dining table. At home my family uses them at almost
every meal. Using cloth napkins makes meal time feel a bit more special, almost
like eating out!  These cloth napkins are also a money saver because you will reduce your paper napkin use by using these at meal times instead of paper. You can purchase budget upholstery fabric for $4 a yard or less at your local fabric store making these napkins a steal at a buck a piece. Be sure to choose a funky and fun fabric to bring a Boho-chic touch to your dining table!

Cloth Napkin Instructions:
Sewing Level EASY

Makes 4 Napkins (approximately
12” x 13”) or 33 cm x 34 cm

You will need:

½ yard of upholstery fabric (most are 55” wide)

Matching thread


Regular Sewing machine

1 Heavy Duty sewing needle size 110/18 (for denim,
upholstery fabric, and topstitching)

**Tip: Using upholstery fabric insures the napkins
will resist stains and be wrinkle free after you wash them.**


  1. Fold you fabric in half making sure the edges
    are even.
  2. Cut of selvage from your fabric. This is the white
    portion on the edge with color swatch circles and name of fabric. ( Fig 1.)
  3. Next cut the fabric into 4 equal pieces of a
    size of your choice or (use my measurement and make each square that measure 13” x 14”.) (Fig. 2)
  4. Thread your sewing machine with matching thread and make sure you are using a heavy duty needle for upholstery fabric. (I used  black so you can see the stitches)
  5. Turn fabric over so the back of the fabric is  facing up.
  6. Starting with two sides that are on opposite sides of each other fold over the edges ¼” on each side and press with a steam iron. (Fig. 3)
  7. On those same sides fold over the edges ¼”again, press with a steam iron and pin in place. (Fig 4).
  8. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining sides. (Fig.5)
  9. Use a straight stitch with the length set on 5 and sew around all the edges. (Fig.6)
  10. Trim away any hanging thread.
  11. Iron one more time and they are ready for the table now. (Fig. 7)

Care for your napkins by washing them in the laundry with your colored clothing. Wash and dry on your normal setting and put them away until you are ready to use them again.

Related Tutorial: Bejeweled Napkin Rings https://sewchicboutiqueblog.wordpress.com/2011/09/21/bejeweled-napkin-rings-tutorial/

These tutorials are for personal use only and not for commercial use, sale, or distribution.

To learn more about the author,  Boho-ista, and owner of sew chic boutique
Cicely and see her creations visit her shop at http://www.etsy.com/people/sewchicboutique?ref=si_pr

Get Your Craft on with a new DIY Kit

30 May
Mini Clutch Purse Kit

Mini Clutch Purse Kit

What’s the thrill in making something handmade yourself? A sense of accomplishment, relaxation, or having something custom-made by you. Whatever the reason is it gives us a creative outlet. You are able to spend time doing something artistic and have a product in the end for your efforts.  I thought to myself how can I help people get their craft on? I am a seamstress and love to make clothing, hand bag,s and accessories. However, not everyone can sew their own bags. So in order to help people get their craft on sew chic boutique style there is a new kit just for you!

In the shop is a brand new Make it Yourself – DIY – Mini Clutch Purse kit. In this kit is a purse frame, shell, and tutorial for making a clutch just like the ones in the shop. You can provide your own fabric or purchase exclusive fabric designed by sew chic boutique. Best of all it’s a no sew project! If you can cut, glue, and fold then you can get your craft on like sew chic boutique.

I hope you’ll try some of the tutorials or a kit for fun. Most importantly get your craft on and give handmade a try for yourself! You just might like it!